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Tuesday, March 11, 2014


"Any human with active libido can fully enjoy sex without having somebody else "in mind" or in person, because sex is only a sensation that can be experienced with or without thoughts or "bodies" of others to stimulate ours. Any thought we attach to sex, involuntarily, or voluntarily (for extra "spice-up") is optional, changeable and temporary, while the sensation itself is the same. This belief is fundamental to enjoy pure autoeroticism, of body and mind, and let go of society's stereotypes of "beauty, symmetry, masculinity, femininity; sex types, roles, positions ... " that we mostly "learn" from other people; none of which is compulsory to enjoy a simple, mindless, physical sensation such as sex.....

Since it's an act done between a person and their own body, naturally and logically autosexuality is the handiest, healthiest, truest form of sex, that is by nature self-sufficient, private and dignified. It gives instant on-demand pleasure, just as wine or euphoric drugs do, except at no cost and with no effort made to find a drugstore or secretly meet a drug-dealer. It's Nature's free pill of pleasure to all her children who could not find other forms of happiness available or satisfactory, their last resort to hold on to life, and a buffer zone keeping them from hating/ending that life.

Any sexually active individual is naturally autosexual, to a varying degree, because they must use the same body they share with others, their own, to extract pleasure from. Many times a person can do without the actual physical presence of another, satisfying themselves instead with fantasies of it. Even then, consciously or not, they can completely do away with the fantasy part, focusing only on the physical sensation, just as they do with a stretching exercise, self-massage, or any mindlessly pleasurable activity.

Autosexuality takes different forms, which are only different degrees of autosexuality:

  • Sex with oneself and with others, simultaneously. This is the most preferred type of sex, yet the least autosexual or independent.
  • Sex with oneself while thinking of others: masturbation, in its popular sense.
  • Sex with oneself while thinking of oneself: narcissism, enjoying touching, watching and imagining one's body, with romantic attachment to oneself.
  • Sex with oneself while thinking of an object: toy, souvenir, tree, river, sunlight, music, picture, architecture, etc. This is what objectophiles think of when they masturbate.
  • Sex with oneself enjoying the physical sensation of sex only: the ultimate autosexual sex, or sex for sex's sake (autosexual, sense-sexual, sex-sexual—no coined name yet).
  • Some individuals are naturally born autosexual; many of whom wrongly call themselves asexual although they do have sex alone. They define their orientation and sexual preference by social behavior, not by personal one, simply as "NOT what others like," instead of "what WE like" (like a protestant who calls himself "not catholic")."

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@Raymond In Egypt

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  1. Psych Forums
  2. Tammy Swallow