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Tuesday, March 11, 2014


"Polysexuality is the attraction to multiple genders and/or sexes. A polysexual person is one "encompassing or characterized by many different kinds of sexuality." Polysexual is a sexual identity "used by people who recognize that the term bisexual reifies the gender dichotomy that underlies the distinction between heterosexuality and homosexuality, implying that bisexuality is nothing more than a hybrid combination of these gender and sexual dichotomies."

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""Polysexuality" refers to people who are emotionally and/or sexually attracted to more than one gender. They do not choose the term bisexual because "bi" connotates only two genders. "Polysexuals" should not be confused with pansexuals because pan means all while poly means many and while there are some similar overlaps, a polysexual may be attracted to some gender variant people but not have the capability or desire to be with some others."


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  1. Bisexuality Wiki