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Monday, March 28, 2016

Who is Mary Baker Eddy?

"works of Jesus were divinely natural, and repeatable.
Over the years Mary Baker Eddy taught her system of healing to hundreds of women and men who in turn established successful healing practices across the United States and abroad. In 1877 she married one of her students, Asa Gilbert Eddy, who gave her unflinching support and the name by which she became best known. He died in 1882. Disappointed that existing Christian churches would not embrace her discovery, Eddy started her own. In 1879 she secured a charter for the Church of Christ, Scientist, established “to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.” Two years later, she founded the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, where she taught her classes until 1889, when she closed the institution to focus on a major revision of Science and Health.
1891As teacher, author, and preacher, Mary Baker Eddy was leader of the burgeoning Christian Science movement. In 1888, a reading room for her writings and other publications opened in Boston. In 1894, Boston-area Christian Scientists moved into their own first church edifice (The Mother Church), built under Eddy’s direction. In 1895 she published a church manual, establishing guidelines that are followed to this day. It is in this slim volume that she made provisions for a lay ministry in Christian Science churches around the world, with locally elected readers who read a weekly “Bible Lesson-Sermon” of passages from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Eddy went on to found The Christian Science Publishing Society in 1898, which became the publishing home for numerous publications launched by her and her followers."
See more @ Official site
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  1. Official site
  2. Mary Baker Eddy Home Page @ Hubbs
  3. @Endtime
  4. @Wikipedia
  5. @Christian Science (dot) com