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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Sensitive (Mental) Health: What is the Relationship Between Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and High Sensitivity? from Comfort Zone Blog

I dislike when they stigmatize BPD a bit,but alas,this makes a good point.People who have BPD may be a HSP. there are many similarities.

"HSPs And Borderline Disorder

While the impulsivity and rages associated with BPD are far from the behavior of most sensitive persons, there are HSPs who do have this disorder. This is because HSPs are more affected than others by having a troubled childhood. But there are also many non-HSPs who receive this diagnosis. The trait itself and the disorder itself are very, very different. This is a fact as important for HSPs with the diagnosis as it is for HSPs without it. Those with the diagnosis have to keep in mind what might be normal for an HSP among all of their intense thoughts and emotions, and what is not.

Confusion has arisen because of course many times professionals meet HSPs who do also fit the BPD diagnosis. But sometimes mistakes are made, especially because all HSPs tend to be more emotional, and to those professionals who are non-HSPs and less emotional, this can seem abnormal. Since any abnormality that has been present throughout one’s adulthood and has impaired one’s life can be classified as a personality disorder, the next step is only deciding which personality disorder. Since those with BPD are often said to be “hypersensitive” to nonverbal communication, when professionals hear of “high sensitivity” they may think it is the same thing.

Adding to the confusion, some psychiatrists (e.g., Stone, Grotstein) say that “hyper irritability” is typical of BPD and can be either inherent or traumatically induced. If it really is inherent, that might seem to be the same as being an HSP. But I don’t see the evidence for BPD being inherited. They make an analogy to physical systems, arguing that the borderline’s sensitivity leads to a lowered threshold, exaggerated response, and chaotic oscillations. But if this over reactivity is inherited–which, again, I doubt--it does not seem likely to be the same innate trait as we are familiar with, which predominately involves a preference for reflection before action, is found in twenty percent of the population, and has persisted throughout the long course of evolution....

Don’t Worry, We All Are Borderlines Just a Little Bit

Upon hearing about BPD, many HSPs think they have it. Well, you do, in the sense that almost everyone has a “borderline part” inside (except those who project it onto others), and HSPs will notice it in themselves even more, I am sure. This part is very needy. It yearns for care and attention, more so if there was not enough of it in our childhood. And if we let that yearning show, and then sense some sign of rejection, real or not, or just feel we were “too much,” we can be plunged into shame and self-loathing. But the difference is that this spiral does not happen often or ruin every relationship. If it seems to you that it is present too much, then psychotherapy with the right person is the only treatment that I know of.

There is another treatment specifically for those diagnosed with BPD, and that is Dialectical Behavior Therapy. It requires at least two years of going to group sessions along with individual therapy. When it is well done, it can be very helpful. But it would not be appropriate unless you truly fit the diagnosis as described in DSM and your life and relationships are going very poorly. Furthermore, individual psychodynamic psychotherapy–again, with the right person--has proven to be just as effective, although sometimes more expensive. And it will help with whatever is the matter, without having to label it."

See entire article @ Comfort Zone Blog