"This Holy Day is actually far older than Christianity. The name “Easter” is derived from the Old German name “Ostara,” and, in Anglo-Saxon, Eastre, or Eostre, the goddess of spring, fertility, and the rising sun. This name is a variation on the name of Ishtar, the Babylonian and Assyrian goddess of love and fertility.
Throughout Europe were celebrated rituals and sacrifices in recognition of the movement in nature from death (winter) to life (spring). These traditions were gradually absorbed by the evangelizing Christian movements. But the movement of the Sun, in its triumphant march toward the heavens, has been celebrated by people the world over. The spiritual value of Easter is reflected in the traditions and mythologies of many cultures and religions, all of which symbolize the esoteric or root meaning: the triumph of the Christ over the ego of the penitent seeker.....
The term Christ is derived from the Greek krestos, which esoterically means fire. Christ is an energy. This energy can incarnate within the human being. Those who earn this sacred gift can then be called "Christ." The Christ is represented in many religions.
Christ is Ormus, Ahura-Mazda among the Persians, who is the antithesis of Ahriman (Satan).
Christ is Vishnu in the sacred land of the Vedas. He is the Second Logos, sublime emanation of Brahma, the First Logos.
The Avatar Krishna is the Hindustani Jesus. The gospel of this Master is similar to the gospel of the divine Rabbi of Galilee.
Fu-Ji is the Cosmic Christ among the ancient Chinese, the one who wrote the famous I-Ching, the book of laws, and who designated Dragon Ministers for the good of humanity
Osiris was in fact the Christ in the sunny country of Khem, in the land of the Pharaohs, and whosoever incarnated Him was an Osirified One.
Quetzalcoatl is the Mexican Christ, who is now dwelling in distant Tule. - Samael Aun Weor, The Three Mountains
The Christ is widely represented by the Sun, the giver of light and life. In Kabbalah, we speak of the Christ as the Solar Logos: the Sun that illuminates the Tree of Life.
In the West, Jesus of Nazareth, who was actually named Jeshua ben Pandira, incarnated the Christ. He became the Son of the Sun, the Light of the World. He taught the path to do as he had done. He synthesized the path in this way:...
rucifixion can be understood as derived from the Latin cruce (cross) and the ancient Greek figure of Ixion, who was tied to a flaming wheel as a punishment for his sin
The cross is amongst the oldest and most universal of religious symbols. It is always a symbol of sacrifice and repentance. ...
The cross has four points. The cross of the initiation is phallic; the intersection of the vertical phallus in the feminine cteis forms the cross. It is the cross of initiation that we must carry upon our shoulders.
We must comprehend that the cross with its four points symbolizes the four cardinal points of the earth: north, south, east, and west; the four ages: gold, silver, copper and iron; the four seasons of the year; the four phases of the moon; the four ways of science, philosophy, art and religion.
When we speak about the four ways, we must comprehend that the four ways are really one way. This way is the narrow and straight way of the razor’s edge, the path of the revolution of the consciousness.
The cross is a very ancient symbol that is continually utilized in all the religions of the world. One who considers it an exclusive emblem of a religious sect commits an error. When the Conquistadors of Spain arrived in the holy land of the Aztecs of Mexico, they found crosses upon all the altars.
The sign of the cross, as in the sublime monogram of our Lord the Christ, the cross of Saint Andrew and the miraculous keys of Saint Peter are all marvelous replicas of equal alchemical and kabbalistic value. It is therefore the sign capable of securing the victory for the laborers of the Great Work.
The sexual cross, the living symbol of the crossing of the lingam-yoni, has the unmistakable and marvelous print of the three nails that were used to immolate the Christ-matter. These nails are the image of the three purifications of iron and fire. Our Lord could not achieve the Resurrection without them.....
The intersection of the vertical phallus within the horizontal uterus makes a cross. This is something that can be easily verified.....
While the profane symbolically recognize the renewal of the earth through this natural ritual of spring, we Gnostics celebrate the union of our spiritual consciousness with our Innermost through Christ our Solar Hero, or fire of Kundalini. With our transmuted sexual force we descend into the dark depths of our own underworld, our subconsciousness, infraconsciousness and unconsciousness, and by experiencing Easter within our physical, psychological and spiritual nature we return into the light realms of the Solar Logos or Cosmic Christ, but now possessing an awakened and Christified consciousness. This is how we transfer our spiritual identity and unite it to the Christic Cosmic Consciousness.....
See entire Gnosis of Easter @ Gnosis teachings