"1. The only proper religion for mankind is humanity itself, for it is from this humanity that God first evolved.
God, who is our future, came from humans, who are Their past.
2. God is a glorified and exalted human being.
3. It is morally wrong to kill a human in the name of religion, nationalism, or justice, for whenever we kill our fellow man, we strike at the very birthseed of God.
4. Evolution and natural selection are correct principles of creation, and it is through this creative process that God and Heaven came into existence and continues to evolve. All things which are real must, of necessity, have a beginning. To say that God has no beginning is to say that God is not real. As true Gnostics, we believe that God is very real.
5. This earth upon which we live is the very first from which God evolved. As a consequence, this world is known by those who believe as the World of the First Power.
6. The material world contains within its mortal, physical nature, the very essence and similitude of all things wondrous and eternal. Unlike the false Gnostics of ages past, we do not believe that the material world is evil.
7. The concept of God is represented by two distinct and separate persons, our Heavenly Father and our Heavenly Mother.
8. We are the literal spiritual offspring of God, and have the capacity to become just like our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother if we so choose.
9. The Holy Spirit is no less than the office of the Heavenly Mother, and it is she who inspires and guides us through our mortal life experience.
10. It is holiness, benevolence, and wisdom which define the nature of God, not power, anger, or hate.
11. True worship is the imitation of God’s goodness; it is to imitate the character, disposition, and attitude of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.
12. The Song of God, as written by Azrael Ondi-Ahman, contains the true thoughts and feelings of our Heavenly Parents, and these scriptures are the cornerstone of our faith. As true Gnostics, God has provided us with our own original book of scripture, which scriptures contain the true and living gnosis of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother."
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