I would relapse, start over, relapse, start over, relapse, sta . . . .you get the pattern. I had to think to myself, what keeps tripping me up? Fried chicken and dessert. I figured out quickly that it was not the chicken I loved, it was the deep fried – ness and the seasoning I loved. I added a few more spices to my cupboard and bought a deep fryer, and ta-da, I was a vegetarian. Not healthy, but vegetarian.
Dessert was a entirely different type of monster. With it’s butter, milk, eggs, and heavy cream, I knew I would never be vegan if I could not conquer my vegan sweet tooth. One day, during one of my many sugar withdrawals, I mustered up the courage to experiment. I adapted my grandmother’s easy cobbler recipe by replacing the milk with soy milk. And, it worked . . . I wanted more.
I started looking for more recipes that I could make vegan and I made my first vegan cheesecake. Then, I started searching for vegan cookbooks and bought what would become my Holy Grail, The Joy of Vegan Baking. With the help of Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, Google, trail and error, product taste test, and bakery reviews, I became The Sweetest Vegan – Vegan Dessert Connoisseur.
On August 2, 2010, I decided to apply my knowledge and love for vegan dessert and create The Sweetest Vegan Show. Although Vegan Dessert Blogger and YouTube Vlogger were never on the results of my career quiz, I have found a future in my love of all things sweet. My audience, The Sweet Vs, is now more than 2,000 strong and growing every day. Through persistence, dedication, oven burns, and fallen cakes, I have earned the title, rights, and privileges of the YouTube Partnership Program.
With one year of vegan dessert blogging under my belt, I can see The Sweetest Vegan expanding to provide Vegan/Vegetarian meal options. People need a base on which to build their healthy lifestyle, and desserts are more of a reward. With this expansion, I can help people change their food choice behaviors and gain the full benefits of the plant based lifestyle, with a dusting of powered sugar of course."
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