"... renowned library of the Occult, Esoteric, and Spiritual Knowledge."

Butterfly is the power animal of Sacred Magick; representing metamorphosis and transformation. Scientific research has shown that the butterfly is the only living being capable of changing entirely its genetic structure during the process of transformation: the caterpillar's DNA is totally different from the butterfly's. Thus, it is the symbol of total transformation.
As what "Sacred Magick" represents; butterfly manifests a need for change and greater freedom, and at the same time it represents courage: one requires courage to carry out the changes necessary in the process of growth. It encourages us to find clarity in the mental processes, and to figure out the next step in our internal and spiritual growth. The larva is the decision to manifest something in the physical world. The cocoon has to do with "going inside", either through insight or the development of ideas. The breaking of the cocoon represents with sharing the splendor of your creation with the whole world. It also represents the birth-death-rebirth circle, mental powers, magick, divination concerning the life cycle, understanding where you are in the cycle of your life where you can discover which is the next step.
Like the butterfly, Sacred Magick Library with membership subscriptions we offers, endeavors to maintain our position as the current number one internet resource to the never-ending cycle of inner self-transformation - when you are ready to undergo this sort of transformation."
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