It contains some minerals and vitamins. It is a natural product and does not contain any chemicals. The enzymes that turn the carbohydrates to sugar occur naturally in the sprouted grains. It is reputed to have a lower glycemic index than table sugar (which is 65). However it contains about 60% maltose (by dry weight) which has a high glycemic index of 105. However it is also a good source of soluble fiber, and this probably helps to reduce the glycemic index, which is probably in the range of about 40. It is useful as a treatment for constipation in infants and for treating irritable bowel syndrome.
Can be used like honey on bread or pancakes. It has a nice flavor and goes well in certain recipes. It is not quite as sweet as sugar so more is needed. Can also be used in home brewing."
See more @ Sugars And Sweeteners Guide -A bit food police-ish. But I have to give credit. Just brush your teeth afterwards if you are concerned.
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