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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Unraveling the Year Ahead- 2015 by Susannah Conway

"There’s something incredibly magical about writing things down. Words. Intentions. Dreams. Memories. This is the sixth year I’ve created and shared the Unravelling the Year Ahead workbook and I will warn you now —
this is powerful stuff! My favourite thing to do in December is look back over the previous year’s workbook to see which intentions I managed to manifest. There are always things I didn’t expect, but starting the new year with a loose plan in place seems to open me up to even better results.

Awareness + intention is a powerful combination. In the past I’ve unravelled my year in my journal, but using the printed pages of the workbook makes it feel more ceremonial somehow. I like to print out the pages two to a page then cut the paper in half, hole-punch it and stick it in my Creative Dream Journal (housed in an A5 Filofax). I make several copies of the map template so I can sketch out the paths I want to take in different areas of my life. Other essentials include a mug of hot chocolate flavoured with spiced rum, a lit candle or three, a big chunk of quartz and a deck of oracle cards. There will be music. There will also likely be a few tears (the happy kind).

Of course, it doesn’t really matter if you fill out the workbook in an evening or over a week, on New Year’s Day or on a random Tuesday. You could print out the pages and use your favourite pens — or you could scribble down your intentions on a Post It note. What matters is taking a moment to reflect on the year that’s leaving and tune into the year that’s arriving. Paying attention to your intentions and dreams. Your big plans and little plans. There’s no right or wrong way to complete the workbook — I have a tendency to colour outside the lines and I encourage you to do the same!"
See the book