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Sunday, January 18, 2015


Have you ever started writing something, and then a few sentences or pages or chapters into the mix, you realize…
“Ugh. This is totally confusing.”
Or wonder…
“Wait, what am I trying to say? I’m lost.”
Or think…
“Blech. It’s so long! So much rambling. But I don’t know which parts to remove.”
These are common problems and they can all be corrected in the same way:
By setting a clear intention before you start writing. There are lots of ways to set an intention before you start writing.

My favorite process is called FEEL. KNOW. DO.
It’s a process (a philosophy, really) that I use with just about everything that I write & say. It’s simple to memorize and you can try it today! So, the next time you’re getting ready to write an email, a love note, a cover letter, a business proclamation, a book outline, or just about anything, answer the following three questions first...
See those 3 questions and read the book