"Psychological Causes of Food Cravings
Forbidding yourself from eating certain foods generally increases your cravings and desire for the banned food, according to a 2007 report published in the "Proceedings of the Nutrition Society." While you might think your chocolate craving is caused by a deficiency in a certain vitamin, it's more likely that your restriction has made it more desirable. Food cravings also serve as a source of comfort or reward and as a way to deal with stress; this is referred to as emotional eating. When you're feeling stressed, you may feel a strong need to eat a food you view as comforting to help you cope.
Managing Cravings
Eating a healthy diet that includes foods from all the food groups may not only help stave off cravings, but also may help ensure you are not deficient in any vitamins. Before giving in to your food craving, wait 20 minutes, suggests Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Cravings usually don't last long, and if you wait them out, they may pass. If a craving won't go away, try a healthier alternative. For example, if you crave something sweet, try a sweet fruit such as frozen grapes. If salty foods are on your mind, go for whole-grain crackers instead of chips.
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