Food cravings can indicate that you're not feeling emotionally supported, and you what you might need is acceptance, pleasure or love. Cravings can also be sensory-driven, creating intense urges for a physical sensation such as crunchiness, or cold, for example.
When your body tells you need water, fruit, greens, or freshly cooked grains, heed these messages! Your body is telling you to find nourishment and sustenance. But if you're constantly feeling the need for sugary, salty and fatty foods, read on to learn the how and why of these frustrating cravings—and how to deal with them healthfully!"
How can you put an end to cravings?
1. What is my hunger level?
2.What have I eaten today?
3. What is my mood?
4. What are my options?
See entire article along with a chart of what to eat instead @ MindBody Green