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Saturday, January 31, 2015

5 Bizarre Realities of Being a Man Who Was Raped by a Woman

"Pointing out that society has a rape problem should be about the least controversial thing you can do, in any setting. It's impossible to say how many rapes occur (because so many go unreported), but there is universal agreement that too many women are being victimized and that the system often fails them. But we fail victims in another way, too: by automatically assuming, as we just did there, that all of the victims are women.

Most of us realize in theory that men can be raped by women as well, but it's just not seen as that big of a problem. Unless the victim is a child, female-on-male rape is considered so absurd that the only time we really see it is when it's being portrayed as a carousel of slapstick wackiness in mainstream comedies. You see a beautiful actress force herself on a tied-down Vince Vaughn and the only thought is, "Ha, I wish!" After all, don't movies tell us that men want sex, all the time, from absolutely anyone who'll give it to them? He should be thanking her!

Well, we spoke with a victim of female-on-male rape to find out what it's like to be the victim of a crime that most of society refuses to acknowledge is even a thing. Spoiler Alert: It's awful."

#5. People Don't Believe It Can Even Happen
#4. Men Get Slut-Shamed, Too -- Just in a Different Way
#3. It's Way More Common Than You Think

#2. Society Treats It as a Joke:
"He's clearly terrified, but, once again, the scene is played as funny, because Hill is a fat man and Gallo is a beautiful woman. It's literally so common that most people don't even notice it. It certainly isn't registering in their minds as rape. But once it happens to you, you see it everywhere.

#1. You Instantly Become a Political Football