Also see :Alt.Attractions, sexual education ,cooking , sex & love category, my food lovers spectrum and a sexually (and romantically) openness spectrum
1. Sounds
When we orgasm we moan with pleasure. When we eat we moan with pleasure. The "oohs," and "aahs" of achieving an orgasm is mysteriously similar to the sounds we made after we have accomplished putting together all the ingredients to make a great tasting recipe and then eat it.
When eating, people tend to enjoy dishes that taste better than other dishes. I am certain numerous people would agree, how a person tastes can be beneficial to them during lovemaking (if they taste yummy ) not one wants burnt food from a box when they can have award winning home cooked/baked food.How a person tastes and smells when running the tongue over his or her body. kissing his or her lips, and how good a person tastes and smells when receiving oral imitates food dishes. What a person eats affects how good or bad a person tastes and even how he or she smells (including pheromones). This includes all over the body, not just his or her cum. Hint-Perfumes and chemicals can affect this as well, use essential oils instead of chemical filled perfumes.That scent of how someone smells and tastes releases chemicals in the brain. The scent of food has the same effect. If a person smells good you are more likely to want to be near them, if food smells good you are more likely to eat it.
*See above-same as "taste."
4.Release of chemicals in brain/Addiction and opposition
Both can be an addiction. If you choose to eat or have sex to fulfill something please do so responsibly (eat healthy and always use a condom) Having sex and eating are known to release chemicals in the brain. Both feel good and can make a person happier. However, both can also make a person feel guilty afterwards, for that please see my Calm Mind Open Heart site as sex and eating should not make you feel guilty.
5,Both have diseases that can ruin your life.
Prader-Willi Syndrome - You can not feel full and you are always hungry. Not many people suffer from this because it is extremely rare. Most likely you don’t. This is not “hey, I’m hungry and can’t stop eating this good food.” this is an extreme case of hunger all the time. This is not someone who is fat or chubby, this is ravenous hunger as though you are dying from starvation all of the time.If you need to ask or wonder if you have it, you don’t
Anorexia/Bulimia - A person does not eat the recommended calories each day which can result in death.
Persistent Genital Arousal -Almost the same as above- but with sex. A person needs to have it or they feel like they will die.
If you have one of those diseases, you would know by now;therefore, if you have to wonder,you most likely don't.
6.Places to "perform"
People (mostly *winky face*) cook and bake in the kitchen and observe sexual acts in the bedroom. Cooking and baking is assigned a special room dedicated to the pleasures of eating good food while the bedroom is dedicated specifically for great love making.Sex toys enhance lovemaking and sex play in the bedroom. In the kitchen; however, the toys become tools for baking. Dildos transform into spatulas and cock rings are converted into silverware.....
7.People say you have something wrong with a person due to how much a person partakes in these activities.
- Binge Eating Disorder-Eating a lot of food, even after a person is satisfied and not hungry anymore.
- Orthorexia- When a person is obsessed about eating healthy and not putting unhealthy food into his or her body.
- Hypersexual-Loves the feeling of sexual intercourse.
- Asexual-No sexual attraction, not a low sex drive, but low sexual attraction
- Both can also make a person feel guilty afterwards, please see my Calm Mind Open Heart and Chunkealthy Life site as sex and eating should not make you feel guilty. This is because of society's rules and how society states a person is "bad" for eating too much or having sex too much, or not having sex at all (or course, you must eat to survive).
8.Foreplay/preparing food
Taking off clothes while nibbling on the nape of your partner neck is excellent foreplay. foreplay is preparing your body for intercourse and even oral sex. To prepare a great tasting and good looking dish,a person must put the ingredients together and prepare the dish.
9. Each have deities in mythology.
Both sex and food/agriculture have deities dedicated to them. Sex is worshiped and so is food. Both are the cause of life and help support it.
10. "Cravings aren’t the same as hunger. Craving is like lust, not love."
"A craving can provoke us to eat when we’re really not hungry at all."