Also participates in several Regional Games of the Olympic program. IFBB was founded in 1946 by brothers Ben and Joe Weider in Montreal, Canada, under the name International Federation of Bodybuilders. In 2004 changed the name to International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness, but retained IFBB as an abbreviation. Mr. Ben Weider of Canada was the first IFBB President, running the Federation since 1946 till 2006. In 2006 Dr. Rafael Santonja of Spain was elected the second President and the IFBB headquarters was moved to Madrid, Spain. IFBB is a nonprofit legal entity with Constitution, Technical Rules, Anti-Doping Rules and democratically elected Executive Council for four-year terms. The IFBB meets annually at its International Congress, held in conjunction with the Men’s World Bodybuilding Championships. It affiliates 189 National Federations which may also form Continental/Regional Federations. There are the following IFBB affiliated Continental Federations:

European Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation (EBFF)
Asian Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (AFBF)
ConfederaciĆ³n Sudamericana de Fisiculturismo, Fitness e Bodyfitness (CSFF)
Central American & Caribbean Bodybuilding Federation (CACBBF)
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