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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Dave Seah's Printable CEO™ Series

Note: I laminate everything so I don't have to keep wasting paper.This way I can just wipe everything off at the end of the day/week.

"The Printable CEO™ (PCEO) was born from a desire to focus my time more productively. For me, that means things that make my freelance practice sustainable and fun. The Printable CEO name comes from the idea that a good CEO should focus primarily on those things that move the company forward; since I can’t afford to hire my own CEO, being able to print one out seemed like the next best thing! :-)
PCEO Main Forms
In general, I use only one form at a time depending on what my needs are at the moment:"
Check out the printable CEO

Check it out

Check out his other productivity tools as well