- "No one is going to find me attractive with this body.
- "I feel so guilty because no matter how hard I try, I cannot lose weight for good."
- "I just want to feel loved and adored for who I am..."

Sound like you? If you've ever felt frustrated, disappointed and exhausted by your relationship to your body, you're in the right place. The More To Love Class is your opportunity to practice body-love and acceptance in a fun, creative and innovative way that really really works.
My signature More To Love Class teaches you how to love your body in just one month
For 28 days beginning Tuesday, September 2, you'll have a chance to grow in self-acceptance by doing a body-positive activity designed to enhance your body-image, relationship with food, experience with fitness, flaunt your unique fashion, and much more. Each one of the classes 28 activities helps you breakthrough what has been stopping you from feeling good about yourself and teaches you how to replace negative thoughts and behaviors with loving and lasting ones.
During the MTLClass, you experience increased body-love and confidence every single day because you're activity working through your fears, issues and hang-ups in a safe, supportive way through a program tailored to what plus-size women really need. This is why my class has changed the lives of nearly 100 women in only two classes -- it works because I've made it nearly impossible for you to fail at learning body-love!
The MTLClass is all online, so you can participate any time of day from anywhere. No live classes, no set times - only a daily activity and a private Facebook group of your incredible classmates to talk it through and share with.
More To Love Class is guaranteed to make you feel beautiful, confident, and happier with your current body"
Check out the More To Love Class
I will be taking it and taking notes which I am uploading here to save, so you all can see what the class is like.My notes@ Media Fire