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Saturday, March 8, 2014

On Allosexism

"Allosexual is a word, most probably made by the ace community, to describe someone who isn’t asexual....

It was created most likely due to the fact a lot of non-ace SJ tumblr uses REALLY HATED us using the word ‘sexual’ to describe them.

As in ‘we’re asexual, you’re sexual’

But they took that to mean we were slut-shaming (?) them and acting as if we thought they were 100% sexual 100% of the time and couldn’t get sex off the brain or something. We actually just needed a word to use because ‘non-asexual’ sounds dumb.

So, some smartypants comes up with allosexual, which sounds pretty cool. It doesn’t have any amoeba connotations either (lucky allosexuals). HOWEVER, allosexual is not the opposite of asexual like ‘cis’ is the opposite of ‘trans’. ‘Allo’ is the opposite of ‘auto’. Allosexual means having sexual attraction outside of themselves, autosexual means only having sexual attraction for yourself (and it was used to described asexuals who masturbated, but it’s kind of a stupid word)."

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@Asexuality Exists