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Saturday, November 9, 2013

The SAME program

SAMEness is the unconditional condition, which The SAME
Program helps us to experience by cleansing our 128 "doors of
perception" of embedded conditioning (habit patterns) that bind us to
our past and prevent us from being present as our truest selves.
In these pages, ebooks, classes, courses, events, meditations,
conference calls and Face Book you will receive insights,

information and actual experiences of how The SAME Program, The
SAME Meditation & Oracle of the Heart can empower you as a "Life
Coach" by helping you to Love Yourself, Be Yourself, Create What
You Want & Want What You have by enabling you to utilize The Law
of Attraction in some very special ways...

Finally science and religion are on the same page, describing the
same reality. Both agree that the primal elements of light and sound
are the true foundations of everything in our universe. In other
words, 'It's all the SAME.'