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If this is fat-acceptance friendly site, why veganism and healthy eating? isn't veganism and healthy eating a weight loss diet

Calories in, calories out
This isn't about calories but about your health and animal rights!
There are numerous health risks associated with eating meat and dairy especially if you eat them in large amounts.
Going vegan can help you get rid of those health risks and you can eat however much you want!!
Eat an entire vegan cheesecake.
Veganism is about animal and human rights and health, not calories or weight. Hve your cake and eat the whole freakin' thing!
[Pic:] "Real vegan food" from The Seitanic Chef
SCREW Salad! Vegan Epic Meal Time! - because people fear the word"vegan" and think they are all stuck up calorie watching pretentious people who hardly eat anything yummy.
Also see my page @ Chunkhealthy life describing a "Junk food/ fatty vegan"

"These hogs get up to the scalding tank, hit the water and start screaming and kicking. Sometimes they thrash so much they kick water out of the tank… Sooner or later they drown. There’s a rotating arm that pushes them under, no chance for them to get out. I’m not sure if they burn to death before they drown, but it takes them a couple of minutes to stop thrashing.” - Testimony of a slaughterhouse worker, from the book Slaughterhouse by Gail Eisnitz.

When I hear that I think, "wow what a great way to lose weight." idiots. Veganism is about saving the non-human animals.It's not about bad or good food, it's about not killing and torturing another living creature.
Vegan food is not always less calories.
When promoting veganism many people will show the non-vegan and vegan versions. The vegan versions are always less calories. I believe they do this to lure people into going vegan. They use less when doing the vegan version. As with non-vegan food it's all about how much you use and "portion control" (except not really, eat that shniz all up) and both versions are around the same amount of calories.


The whole gluten-free, yeast-free, only fruits and kale shniz is not what veganism is about.
those people are on diets and want to be thin so they restrict THEMSELVES.
just like not all meat eaters are thin and only eat lean meats,not all vegans are thin and only eat tempah.

My entire site Chunkealthy Life is based on yummy, healthy junk food

With that said, some vegans are all about weight loss and promoting weight loss, but that is not the point. of veganism and eating healthy Yes, you do have to eat your fruits and veggies and grains or you will not be healthy, but that is the same as if you were a meat eater. Eat a whole bag of organic/whole food  chips, homemade doughnuts, etc. if you want. You only see skinny vegans because you are seeing people who are thin who are vegan. You also see thin people who eat meat but not all meat eaters are thin.

it's not an eating disorder. EDs are for power, control and the need to be perfect.
We don't restrict calories unless we are TRYING to lose weight... like a meat eater.
It's like saying meat eaters have an ED because they don't eat people.
Some vegans LOVE meat and eat faux meat (made from seitan)
some don't.
We do not "cut" out food groups. We substitute.
Stop food policing just because someone wants to not kill other living beings does not mean they wanna lose weight. Stop thinking someone isn't a good vegan just because they are fat. You gain weight if you eat more than you burn. It has nothing to do with going vegan and eating healthy.
You can gain weight from eating fruits and veggies. In fact, I was never really chubby until I became a vegan.
I gained almost 20 pounds because I loved cooking and eating the food :D
I do however, hate self-righteous vegans....  stop telling people they should go vegan to lose weight.
Eat healthy things. Plus, vegan-friendly substitutes are healthier and yummier. Because it is the food you eat that can cause problems,not weight.See my site, Chunkealthy Life for healthy recipes for doughnuts, pizza, etc.

Eating healthy doesn't = weight loss. In fact,I gained 20 pounds from eating healthy, whole foods. This isn't to scare you, but to show that this site is not about weight loss.
Calories In Vs Calories Out: The Basic Formula Explained @FitWatch.

See my vegan category for more information about how going vegan can actually allow you to eat MORE of what you love because you don't have to worry about clogged arteries, heart disease, etc. If you want to watch your weight eat less, if not then eat all you want!

Media Thinks Vegans Are Orthorexic: Are We?  from HappyHealthyVegan - short answer is no. Veganism doesn't work that way.

And no, it's not restrictive at all. I promise you it's nothing like what you think it is. It's like being invited to a boring party and dreading going and then when you get inside it's the best party you have ever been to.And no, nothing tastes like cardbord and yes, we eat more than kale.If you see documentiaries about the meat industry and animals having their throat slit while trying to protect their babies and think "oh, i gotta lose weight." you are a psychopath and need to go away from society.

i think people say "go vegan and lose weight" because unfortunately people are more likely to go vegan if you tell them they will lose weight (because slaughtering a living being doesn't matter)  Ex. J.Lo. She went vegan to lose weight, yet she kills animals for her clothing line. A lot of people push weight loss in the vegan community, but that is not the point of going vegan.

If anything, vegans should show lots of empathy towards bigger people as BOTH groups get the "but you can't be healthy..." bullshniz treatment
Will eat faux meats
Will eat lots of food
Will eat fried foods, sweets, etc. (in addition to fruits and veggies,grains, nuts and seeds)
Will eat faux chicken instead of Cauliflower chicken or faux hot dogs instead of carrot hot dogs,etc.
this does not mean he or she will eat really disgusting processed foods such as hydrogenated oils, Oreos (although theywill make their own Oreos),etc. they will just eat organic  or make their own junk food. Example= will eat faux meat sausage instead of using a carrot as a hot dog,or will eat faux chicken wings instead of using Cauliflower as the "chicken". Will eat products like Gardein, Field Roast, EatPastry,etc but stay away from products from Kraft, Nabisco,etc. Or, they make make their own junk food such as cookies, cookie dough, cakes, meats ,etc. For a list of recipes and companies to buy from check out the yummy foods part of this website. There are foods that are vegan such as the ones listed on PETA's accidently vegan page;however, they are not at all healthy since they are filled with GMOs and really harmful chemicals(high frutose corn syrup, aspertame,etc)  In my opinion, maybe once in a while is fine, but try to eat from companies that use organic ingredients or make your own.

Chubby Vegans - only because people (including vegans) think veganism is about weight loss...

  1. Fat Vegan by Rachele Cateyes
  2. Isa Chandra Moskowitz 
  3. There is also a woman who runs Vegansaurus! who is bigger.
  4. Who is/check out The Sexy Vegan
  5. Doug McNish  - 2010 Raw Avocado Fries & Ketchup with Chef Douglas McNish && 2015 Vegan twist on Mexican favourites
  6. [Pic:] I could never go vegan, they only eat plants - Cooking with plants
  7. thefoodduo - Carlo + Carmella
  8. Fat Vegans Unite - FB group

Fat shaming vegans
  1. Vegans Stop Fat Shaming by The Vegan Anarchist 
  3. Vegans Fat-Shaming Vegans & Non-Vegans by Unnatural Vegan