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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"Stop accepting excuses for your partner if they love you they will make time for you. give up on someone who doesn't care." f off.Rant by WLI

"Stop accepting excuses for your partner if they love you they will make time for you. Stop giving your heart to  someone who doesn't care."
*F* off.
Listen to that bullshnit and it WILL mess up your life and relationships.

I'm going to make 20349302402340324 excuses. It's my life, my heart that is going to be broken and I can make that decision. OTHER people have no say in what I do with MY feelings and if I want to waste them on someone who doesn't give a shniz, I can and I damn well will.  My feelings are mine and mine alone. Stop giving other people "pep talks" about who the hell they should and shouldn't give their heart and love to. Focus on your own relationships because judging on how you think EVERYONE has time for YOU and has to love YOUR way and under YOUR conditions they probably do not last long.
So, yeah i AM going to keep making excuses
I'm not talking about unconditional love, I'm talking about people who think they know what is best for someone else. Bugger off.
I know what is best for me.and guess what? I can make my own decisions.
How condescending is it to "help" someone make their OWN decisions with their OWN feelings. It's like saying "hey, you are too stupid to understand your OWN feelings and emotions, so I am going to help you understand them for yourself." "you are too STUPID to make your OWN decisions, so I am going to make them for you."
F off narcissistic twat.