"There are plenty of interesting you can buy on the internet now a days, but this new device from the Japan Trend Shop takes the cake as the weirdest thing on the internet. It is officially called the Face Slimmer Exercise Mouthpiece.

At first glance you might think this is a gag gift, but it’s most definitely no. According to the website you don’t need plastic surgery in order to get and maintain the perfect face. All you need to do is use their Face Slimmer three times a day and your set. You just want to make sure you don’t wear it anywhere in public, people might get the wrong idea as to what it is used for.
The site goes on to say that the mouth exercises are extremely easy. You just pop the device into your mouth and start to sound out vowel sounds. This simple exercise is supposed to strengthen your twelve facial expression mussels, which will give you a more “youthful [and] vibrant face.”
Although the idea of not having to use plastic surgery to maintain your beauty is a good idea..."
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