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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Check out Pride In Madness (dot) wordpress

Taken from the site:

"My name is Kristen.

I am a Mad woman.

Mad is my identity and my politics.

I know that my intense sadness, self hatred and rage are apart of being human.

I know that I live in a world that does not appreciate emotional and mental differences.

I know that I am not sick but that I experience great pain caused by the experiences, violence and discrimination I have lived through.

I know that not allowing myself to be labelled as “sick” does not make my pain any less important or tolerable.

I know that being labelled “sick” only made me sicker and my true healing began when I abandoned the medical approach to my mind.

I know that I sometimes fall back into the mindset of being sick because that is what I have been told since I was a 13 and I will continue to be told by others what I am. I need to stop listening to them.

I know that psychiatry is too powerful and needs to be changed because I do think there can be a place for it, just not how it is currently.

I know that I will use mental health services when I need to but always on my terms.

I know that regardless of how I view my own mental well-being that discrimination, stigma, and violence are unacceptable events to occur towards those in the mental health, Mad, psychiatric survivor, antipsychiatry, consumer and ex-patient/inmate communities. I will speak out against human rights violations and support people  in the ways they need to be supported.

I know that I have a lot of positive things to share with others if they are only willing to listen and open their minds."

Check out Pride In Madness (dot) wordpress