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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

5 Tips For Empaths To Prevent Anxiety And Depression by Amateo Ra @ Spirit Science and Metaphysics

"Empaths have now been scientifically proven to be more prone to anxiety, especially social anxiety, as well as depression. To be an Empath means you have the intuitive ability to interpret other’s emotions. However, while interpreting these others emotions, it’s very easy to take them on and let them affect you negatively. Soon, anxiety and depression set in, and life gets way harder than it needs to be. Here’s how to prevent that vicious cycle.
Being Empathic means you have a very powerful gift, the ability to feel what other people feel and use that emotion for good. This can make you a better communicator, a proactive humanitarian, proficient at marketing or simply support you in being a person who naturally understands others needs and feelings.
All gifts that we possess as humans come with great responsibility. Being an Empath is no different.
So, what’s your responsibility? To move through the emotion that gets bottled up in your body.
Since we were children most of us were told to stop crying, be quiet, sit still and shut-up. When we expressed our emotions, we were told to cut it out. Years of this behavior leads to us stifling our natural expression, and in time we become disconnected from our True Selves.
While everyone needs to express their Emotions, Empaths have a much greater responsibility than others? Why? Well, they aren’t just processing their emotions, they are processing others emotions as well.
As an Empath, here are several big tips which will truly support you in preventing anxiety and depression, as well as make great progress in living a happy, healthy & fulfilling life."
1) Create Movement
2) Practice Catharsis
3) Talk to Your Emotions
4) Keep a Clear Container
5) Ask for Help & Energetic Support

See explanations @ Spirit Science and Metaphysics