She’s also me! I’m Birdy Slim, and not too long ago Husband and I moved to our tiny love nest in Brooklyn. If you’ve ever lived in a city, you know the struggles that come with cramming an entire life (and a shared one at that) into a Polly Pocket-sized apartment. And the challenges don’t stop there. The walk from my place to the store is too long. I’m too short to hang the curtains I trudged all the way across town for. My imagination is way to big for my small third floor walkup. And my budget makes a shoestring look like one of those plush velvet ropes outside the club I’m too tired to go out to on Saturday night.
But the Urban Housewife is always up for a challenge! That’s why I started theUrbanHousewife.com - advice, tips and tricks for the big city girl with a small domestic space."
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