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Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Pagan Roots of Easter by Marysia Miernowska @ Sacred Science

"Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, but before Christianity the Spring Equinox represented the return of the sun God from the underworld – the rebirth of light, life and creation. The two vernal equinoxes (the only two times a year when there is a perfect balance between light and dark, day and night) were auspicious and potent occasions, celebrated by people whose lives depended on the fertility of the earth. Civilizations worldwide created rituals and celebrations to tip the balance into a fertile spring, a time of renewal, regeneration and resurrection.
Today, we celebrate Easter on the Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring Equinox — the date of this celebration alone is deeply rooted in the earth-based traditions that follow the cycles of nature.
Sacred symbolism
The symbols associated with Easter – the egg and the bunny or hare, are also ancient pre-Christian symbols of fertility, birth, creation and the Goddess.
The rabbit is connected to fertility – and spring is a time of creation, sex and birth. Our ancestors lived so close to the earth that their lives depended on animals procreating, bees fertilizing their fruit trees, essentially relying on all of nature to have sex!"

See the entire article @ The Sacred Science