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Monday, April 6, 2015

New Film Explores MDMA, The Life-Saving Psychedelic Of Love, Empathy — And Sometimes Death

"The organization has since evolved to promote harm reduction for various psychedelics, not just MDMA, and sets up harm reduction booths at raves and other massive events around the world. Sferios said in making MDMA The Movie, it’s been easy to get people to open up about their very personal experiences with MDMA, which he attributes to his credentials as the founder of DanceSafe.
“They trust that I will be making a truthful documentary, without sensationalizing the issue or being biased in either direction,” he said. “While MDMA has had tremendous therapeutic benefits for millions of people, it has also been greatly abused and has led to a number of fatalities. Telling the truth means showing all sides of the issue.”
Sferios said he decided now was the time to make this film for a number of reasons, one of which the fact that MDMA’s use has dramatically increased in the last three years. Another reason is the groundbreaking scientific research that continues to filter in to show MDMA’s unprecedented ability to temper the symptoms of treatment-resistant PTSD and anxiety. This is particularly timely given the epidemic of PTSD among U.S. military veterans, at least 22 of whom take their own lives each day.
“One of the most important things I learned [while making the film] came from interviewing the PTSD study subjects,” Sferios said. “I used to think that PTSD was simply a heightened fear response from having been in a frightening, traumatic situation. However, all the veterans I spoke to told me their PTSD was integrally related to their sense of self, to guilt and their perception of themselves. Whether it was having killed innocent people — including children — in Iraq, or failing to save the lives of their fellow soldiers, their PTSD was centered around their inability to forgive themselves.”"

See entire article @ Reset.Me

More Info..

  1. IndieGoGo fund - has videos and other stuff related to the movie
  2. Trailer