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Thursday, April 30, 2015

"It's highly disturbing that there are some 'authorities' in the vegan movement recommending semi-starvation vegan diets..."- Freelee the Banana Girl

"It's highly disturbing that there are some 'authorities' in the vegan movement recommending semi-starvation vegan diets, as little as 1200-1500 calories per day! Do not fall for this bullshit fruitbats NO ONE eats that amount long term and MAINTAINS a happy, healthy, lean fit body (& mind) - NO ONE. That is not even enough calories for a CHILD to sustain themselves healthfully. Unbelievable. These people are self-harm promoters and it's obvious they want to make the big $$$$ through manipulation rather than truly help you THRIVE on a vegan lifestyle long term. Sure we could do that too like every other fad diet promoter out there and encourage you to lose weight through restriction but we know it DOESN'T WORK LONG TERM. This starvation often leads to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, bulimia, metabolic damage, hormonal imbalance and serious psychological disorders. When will this truth sink in?? Calorie restriction DOES. NOT. WORK. Ugh. [*upset emoticon*] These misguided dieters then come to us with a host of issues after nearly pulling their hair out through frustration (if it doesn't fall out first) and we try our VERY BEST at picking up the pieces and helping them heal. Predictably these self-harm diets lead to people leaving the vegan movement going back to eating innocent animals saying "I was too weak on a vegan diet" ...Facepalm. Do not waste your hard earned cash on being taught how to starve. Acquiring a long term happy healthy fit body and mind takes TIME, PATIENCE & AN ABUNDANCE OF PLANT FOODS. EAT UP!!"
