I host Save the Kales! vegan + lifestyle TV show on RCN Cable reaching 105,000 households sixteen times a month (also available on Youtube and our ROKU Channel), and now airing in Washington, DC reaching 500,000 households. In 2013, I was nominated for a mid-Atlantic EMMY Award for TV Host.
Working alongside the Bethlehem City Chamber I co-organize Bethlehem Vegfest which sees an average of 10,000 attendees annually, and co-founded the Bethlehem Food Co-op.
I’ve won six Morning Call blog awards, was named ” 2014 Power Person” by LehighHappenings.com, mentioned in and created content for Vegnews Magazine and OurhenHouse.com, and cooked dinner for Joan Jett. jaimek summer
I write Fresh Perspectives with Jaime K, my bi-monthly column in Lehigh Valley Style magazine which focuses on small businesses, the local creative community, vegan eats, and an exclusive recipe.
I’m a freelance writer and public speaker and love to talk about: vegan cooking and lifestyle, body positivity and self-esteem, personal empowerment, living with anxiety and depression, queer and gender identity.
![jaimek summer](https://savethekales.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/screen-shot-2015-01-08-at-7-01-54-am.png?w=420&h=530)
I have formal education in Mass Communications and Gender Studies, Interior Design, and am a Certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach (VLC).
I strive to live a fun, compassionate life and it’s my mission to find beauty in everything. This blog features recipes, videos, books and blogs, art and insight. Living your truth is the fastest way experience joy. Cross my heart.
Save the Kales! is Jaime Karpovich based in Easton, PA. "
Check out Save the Kales / Jamie K
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