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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Check out ItDoesn'tTasteLikeChicken

From the site

"I am vegan and I’m an artist, but I am not starving.

In December of 2012 I made the mistake… er… best decision ever, to sit down, and watch a movie about being vegan. I then followed that with another film, and another, and then read, and read, and so here I am today: vegan. Having grown up in a household of steaks cooked rare, and foamy milk lattes every morning, this was a big change. What I didn’t expect was that I would like it. In fact, I actually prefer it! So I wanted to share with you my cooking adventures, and to show you, it’s really not that hard.

(and by the way, delicious).

Bon Appetegan!"

Check out ItDoesn'tTasteLikeChicken