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Friday, April 17, 2015

10 Reasons To Try Natural Birth Control from Mind Body Green

"There are several methods of fertility awareness out there. My favorite is The Billings Method, developed by husband and wife team Drs. John and Evelyn Billings in the 1950s.

The method involves observing the changes in female mucus secretions throughout the month. These secretions follow a distinct pattern. Once you become aware of this, it’s very easy to see the differences.

Simply by placing a finger at the opening of the vulva, a woman (or her partner) can observe the consistency of the mucus and instantly know whether she is fertile or not.

The method is sexy, easy, safe and once you learn it, takes about five seconds a day to use.

Using iPhone apps that guess at your fertile window, playing “just the tip” or using “withdrawal” as a birth control methods is like playing Russian roulette. Employing a method with a 99.5% — 100% success rate gives you a precise answer.

Here are 10 reasons to give natural birth control a try:

1. It’s as effective as The Pill. Or more.
2. You’ll keep your breasts.
3. You’ll revive your libido.
4. You become more in tune with your body.
5. You’ll preserve the natural rhythms of your hormones and your cycle.
6. It’s easy.
7. It’s sexy.
8. It’s free.
9. It will be easier for you to get pregnant, when you decide to.
10. Birth control becomes a shared responsibility.

See explanations @ MindBodyGreen