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Friday, March 6, 2015

Is Eating Animals A Personal Choice?/ "I respect your right to be vegan, so you should resect my right not to be.." from Bite Size Vegan

From Bite Size Vegan's Facebook post:

"'I respect your right to be vegan, so you should respect my right not to be..' I've harped on this point before, but it bears repeating. The entire concept of personal choice requires that it be just that- *personal* And a choice ceases to be personal the moment it impedes the life of another. So eating animals and their byproducts can't be a personal choice. Imagine if I were to steal your property, or kidnap your child, or even take your life and defend my actions as my "right to choose" to do so. That's exactly what we do to the animals. And we hide behind our "right of choice" and say vegan ideals are an "imposition" on personal freedoms. Well I can't think of a greater imposition than torturing, raping, and slaughtering someone so I can have a sandwich. THAT is an imposition. Okay, rant over (for now) smile emoticon For a more eloquent take on this, check out my video on personal choice: "