"Another great point by Laci: You can’t tell how healthy someone is just by looking at them. It’s well-known fact that extra weight increases health risks, but there could be underlying health conditions that someone is dealing with that you don’t know about—not to mention that the type of fat also has a lot to do with it. Visceral fat, which wraps around your organs, is higher risk than subcutaneous fat, which is under your skin."
1.Brown Fat
2.White Fat
3.Subcutaneous Fat
4.Visceral Fat (this part is very fat-shame-y, it has been proven that a bigger belly doesn't mean health issues. Again, eat healthy and exercise to stay healthy)
5.Belly Fat
6.Thigh Fat, Buttocks Fat
More Info...
The Truth About Fat Everything you need to know about fat, including an explanation of which is worse -- belly fat or thigh fat. (See the explanations. Very body shame-ish.Eat healthy and exercise. These are the different TYPES. As long as you eat healthy and exercise, there is no fat that is bad, except Visceral Fat. Notice they talk about medicine in the beginning. Just another fear mongering way to fat/body shame. It has been proven eating healthy and exercising is what creates a healthy individual.This site talks about weight loss, of course, even though it has been proven that weight has no indication on health)