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Monday, February 23, 2015

Porn star camera tricks and secrets... his penis isn't as big as it looks and she's not actually orgasming that much

"The biggest secret from my days in porn was the fake cum shot. Take a condom, fill the tip with lotion (or Cetaphil), and some water, tie it off and cut off the rest. You end up with a small balloon that the male holds under his dick and squeezes. I'm not 100% sure, but I heard that a male performer won an AVN award for "Best Cum Shot" and it was a fake one."

  1. "A lot of times when women squirt, it's not actually their bodily fluids, but liquid that has been injected and is forced out"
  2. EX Photographer/Videographer for Penthouse/Danni's/Twisty's/BangBros here.
  3. When you see high quality images of girls with cum on them, it is 99% of the time a pina colada mix, or Cetaphil hand soap.
  4. Please remember, these people are acting. Yes, they enjoy it, but for the most part when you cut a scene, it just stops, they catch their breath, ask and take direction from the director, and wait for action again.
  5. Bang buses are not real.
  6. The AVN awards (or any adult award show really) is rigged. Whatever production company/agency pays the most for their talent to win the award gets it. AVN can barely afford to put on the award show anymore, and the convention in Vegas every year is getting smaller. They have to fund it by all means possible.
  7. A lot of these women have kids, are married, or are in relationships. It takes a lot to date a porn star (I've dated a couple), but trust, and being open minded helps.
  8. To add to #5, just because they are porn stars doesn't mean they will sleep with anyone and everyone. Keep in mind they do their best to prevent std's, and are tested every 2 weeks. Their best means of defense against std's is to only sleep with other tested actors/actresses, or their significant others.
  9. On Twitter: when a girl says "I need a dick", or something of the like... they don't. They are saying things like this to get a reaction from their fans, and give them the illusion that they have a chance.
  10. Those gigantic 15 inch dicks you see... FAKE. good god they are FAKE.
  11. Male actors in the industry... It's odd to say, but quite a few of the straight actors get bored with women. I won't say who, but a few of them started sleeping with transgenders and men just to mix up their sex lives. And now a few of those guys are now on the gay side of the industry.
  12. Working in the industry... you learn how to deal with OSHA. FUCK OSHA.
  13. Probably something I shouldn't say, but MOST well known actresses are prostitutes. I know of a couple girls who have told me their "weekend rate" is $80,000 for 2 days of company and sex. One of them clears $1.5 million a year doing this.


  1. [SERIOUS] What are some secrets of the Porn industry? -AMA
  2. [SERIOUS] What are some secrets of the Porn industry? asked by user
  3. PORN IS FAKE!!!!! by Shawn James