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Monday, February 2, 2015

It's like drinking delicious oatmeal. What is Oat milk?

"Those of us who avoid dairy milk, by choice or necessity, are fortunate to live in a time when multiple delicious and healthy milk alternatives are easy to find. Oat milk is a wonderful way to receive essential nutrition from a natural, lactose free, and sustainable source every day.

Oats have many healing properties and are best known for their high protein and fiber content and cholesterol reducing abilities. Oats can enhance the immune system, prevent cardiovascular diseases, maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels, provide strength and energy from natural plant proteins and sugars, and improve the health of your skin and hair.

Oat milk is something you can easily find in almost any grocery store. Please note that the following nutritional information offered here will vary based on the brand of oat milk you choose to purchase. Each brand adds different amounts of extra ingredients to produce a unique and desirable taste, some brands also fortify their products."

See entire article and an extra recipe @ Care2

More Info..

  1. What Are the Benefits of Oat Milk? @ LiveStrong