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Saturday, January 3, 2015

What’s the Difference Between Thinspo and Fitspo? Aboslutely Nothing.

"Warning: This post contains thinspo/fitspo images and fat hate statements.

Thinspiration or thinspo is images of skinny women collected or posted to motivation oneself or others to lose weight.  The images feature thigh gaps and visible hip and collarbones....
On the other hand, fitness is becoming more and more popular to rally around online. I have seen the slogan, “Fit is the new skinny,” apparently meant to highlight that thinness isn’t the goal.

Fitspiration or fitspo is images of skinny women collected or posted to motivate oneself or others to “get fit”. These images feature things like people in workout clothes, visible ab muscles, sweat, and motivational statements...
But thinspo images and fitspo images are exactly the same thing: the fetishization of thinness...
Fat and Fit
If your inspiration was truly fitness, it would be acceptable to show a variety of fit bodies."