1. Rub his or her tummy.
<3 Especially after a big meal. Very intimate and relaxing for both parties.
2. "Eskimo" kisses
3. Lots of cute little peaks on the lips and cheek
4. Hold hands
5. Put head on chest while sitting on lap facing them
6. Lay on his/her tummy
Very intimate and relaxing for both parties.
7. Lay on chest and listen to heart/ let them lay on your chest and listen to your heart.
Very intimate and relaxing for both parties.
8. Stroke his or her hair,especially if he or she is laying on you.
9. Give little pecks (kisses) on his or her tummy
Very intimate and relaxing for both parties. Also tickles and makes them laugh
Give raspberries on his or her tummy
Very intimate.Tickles and makes them laugh