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Thursday, December 11, 2014

What/Who is the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance?


The Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance  works to advance the recognition of sexual, gender, and family diversity. We work to improve the well-being, rights and autonomy of every individual thru advocacy, education and action.

Our mission is to affirm sexual freedom as a fundamental human right.  We’ve been fighting for those rights by focusing on a wide range the human rights issues, including immigration equality, reproductive justice, prison reform, anti-discrimination legislation, comprehensive nonjudgmental sexuality education, and the right to define our own families.

As the nation’s leading sexual freedom and human rights organization, honored by Proclamation in Washington, DC, we are uniquely positioned to bring together allies and partners, thereby maximizing our effectiveness and theirs. Together, with your support, we can move mountains!

What do we do, you ask?

We run the Family Matters Project, which is dedicated to advancing and protecting the fundamental human right to family by eliminating discrimination based on family structure and relationship choices.
We lobby at the State and local levels for sexual freedom, ensuring that the issues include a focus on human rights that is often missing from political debates. This includes:
Anti-shackling legislation: We successfully Ended shackling of incarcerated women in labor in Florida through our collaboration with the Florida ACLU;
Prostitution-free zones;
No condoms as evidence;
We work collaboratively with other organizations, even at the level of the United Nations, to advance and affirm sexual freedom as a fundamental human right.
We conduct trainings and provide workshops on the integration of the human rights framework into existing advocacies.We present Vicki Awards to recognize phenomenal individuals for their extraordinary personal achievements in advancing sexual rights and freedom.
We host the annual Sexual Freedom Summit."

Check out the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance