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Friday, December 5, 2014

What gluttony really means...

Gluttony is described as  consuming something in excess.

People use this to justify fat-shaming and their Fatphobia.
People who state fat people are living their life in a sin of gluttony have no problem walking down the street and denying food to the homeless, deny giving money to the homeless, deny giving a drink to the homeless, have no problem gambling, have no problem buying clothes they do not need while others have none, etc.

‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy." (BibleGateway)

Gluttony simply means do not consume WHILE denying others. Like a king whose people needed food while he lay in gold. He just wanted money and food to himself EVEN Though he wasn't going to eat it all, or use all of his money. He wanted to laugh is the face of others, while they saw him throw away things they desperately needed.This doesn't mean some fat dude eating a burger. This means going to the store and buying 500 dollar Gucci dresses while refusing to donate money or clothes to people in need.This DOES mean just throwing food away while others are going without (so,see fat people do not partake in gluttony as eat ALL of the food they are given, right?) This means that fat dude eating a burger in front of a homeless guy and DENYING him food (not even sharing half of it) just because he's an ahole.

If you wanna be a douche and continue to think all fat people are gluttons and are going to hell, how many times have you had food on a dish and just throw it away, or how many times have you ate too much at thanksgiving.

Stop being a douchebag.

Oh, and this can also apply to sex(having sex in excess and not being responsible or doing anything else)... let's see what people have to say about gluttony then...

It only applies if something is denied to others, someone is an ahole about having it and wants more of it to brag to people who do not have it, or it takes over your life... leading to another deadly sin,Sloth.