Torre Washington has been involved in fitness and nutrition for 22 years. Raised as a vegetarian, Torre has always been involved in the eating for life lifestyle. Everyone has a unique life story to share about how their lives were changed due to a shift in focus or some type of traumatic event. And when it came to nutrition, Torre's life was health.

Why BodyBuilding?
After getting sidelined for competition due to an injury on the football field in high-school to his knee, Torre just focused on working out. In 2008 he witnessed an event that would change his focus a bit, seeing a longtime friend compete win his pro card as an all-natural bodybuilder.
Torre decided life is too short not to pursue one's own dreams and goals. In April 2009, he entered his first-ever bodybuilding competition and placed 3rd in an open class of 11men (non-vegan). By the 2nd show, he had won his Pro card. Then the injury from high school returned with a vengeance, and Torre would have to wait almost a year to face the new challenge of being a Pro competitor. In May 2010, he did his fist Pro show after injury and placed 3rd out of 11."
Check out Vegan Dread Fitness / Torre Washington
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