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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How To Make 'Em Look (And Why It's Not Bad)

"Since fat bodies are so politicized, dressing them becomes a political act; I’ve talked to a lot of fat girls who choose to wear loud outfits precisely because they want to be visible in a world that tells them they should hide.

Most people in this world would prefer that we feel bad about ourselves—ideally we’ll be shamed into losing weight so other people won’t have to look at our bodies, but if we refuse to do total strangers the common courtesy of changing for them, the second-best thing we can do is hide our bodies as much as possible, to cover them with whatever others are comfortable seeing us in (dark colors, “flattering cuts,” and sweatpants all fall into this category). So for us, choosing to wear neon leggings and a patterned top may be more than just a way to avoid leaving the house naked—it might be someone’s way of reclaiming ownership of their body, asserting their right to be visible, and refusing to be ignored. They’re challenging our culture’s ideas about what’s acceptable, and that’s the opposite of desperate. That’s brave. It’s not a cry for attention; it’s a shout: “I am here. I exist. And you will acknowledge my existence.”

Now, mainstream media and culture are not that interested in helping fat people be more visible (name the last blockbuster you saw with two fat romantic leads), so it’s up to us to show up. Clothing is one of the things that can help us in this effort. "
See the entire article @ Ebay