A celebrity who has a kind heart, except the fact he or she uses drugs is not just a "druggies," but is also a kind person. Label people according to their talent and soul. What a person does behind closed doors is none of our business. What should matter is:
- How have they impacted society?
- How have they impacted you?
- What have they done to entertain others.?
- How have they helped you?
People should not be concerned about a celebrity's weight, dating life, or if celebrities don't release everything to THEIR standards.
Our favorite celebrities have been there for us through difficult times in our life, we should not let any occurrence allow us to turn out back to celebrities we look up to.
Contributors to these thoughts/Why?
Madonna/Whore complex= According to AskMen, Madonna/Whore complex is when someone needs to categorize people they love or lust into two categories. The Madonna is the perfect wifey type of person while the whore is the sex toy, the person that is only for having casual sex with and nothing else because he or she can not possibly be wifey material.
Black and White thinking= Is when a person views things in black and white instead of grey. This is an example of being extreme and extremely selfish thinking (not talking about people who have personality disorders) People who think like this usually are diagnosed with BPD or NPD; however I see it all the time, especially on fan forums and comments. If an artist doesn't please someone they stop liking them. If an artist experiments with a song, instead of disliking the song they stop liking the artist completely. If an actor/actress stars in a movie that person doesn't like, they stop liking them completely. It's like if I divorced my husband simply because he chose to wear blue one day, and I HATE blue.
Slut Shaming=According to Feminism 101 blog, slut shaming is shaming a woman for being overly sexual, wearing "sexual" outfits, or having multiple sexual partners. Sometimes a person simply needs to dress a certain way. Instead of acknowledging that people are grown ups and can do whatever they want to with their body, others shame them for what they do in private, or because they embrace their sexuality. Sometimes a person will sleep around with numerous partners, but as long as that person is safe, and practices the rules of safe casual sex there is no need to shame them.
Why do people make fun of elderly celebrity's? Or, celebrity's who are getting older. Everyone becomes older, it is part of life. Wrinkles are a part of becoming older so what's with the hate? I've seen people stop being a fan of a celebrity because that celebrity is now older nd now as "Good loooking." How? Mature adults are very sexy, just as people who are in their 20s and 30s. To not like a talented person anymore because of their age is ridiculous and ignorant.
2. Weight
"Omgohs he or she used to be so hot until he or she got fat" So, a person USED to be hot UNTIL he or she got fat? That person still is hot. How can an extra (or two) layers of flub create a person to become ugly? Stop acting like someone can start out looking like Ryan Gosling and end up looking like they are the lead alien from Alien just because they put on a couple (or more) pounds. Walruses and Whales are adorable anyways. Besides, underneath all that blubber he or she still looks exactly the same.How about you stand in front of a football/baseball/basketball arena stadium of people and let all of them judge you. Are you perfect? what about that mole? How about those few stretch marks? Do you have a big enough penis? Is it thick enough? Are you female, are your breasts round enough? Perky enough? Big enough? Maybe they might be too big?You may think so ,but might be be good enough to some hottie in the 3rd row. Do you have enough muscles? Probably not as nice as the quarterback's 6 pack. Is your skin perfect? What about any pimples you may have ever had. Are your lips naturally plump enough? Have you had surgery? What about any scars you have? Are your eyes in the perfect positions? Is your facial ration perfect? how about your body? Do you naturally have the perfect hip-thigh ratio?
3. Drugs
If a celebrity uses drugs they need more love. Just because a celebrity uses drugs does not mean we should stop admiring them and enjoying their talent. Drug use does not make a person that they are just trying to diminish. We can sit there and bash users but many of us can handle turmoil in a healthy way unlike most celebrities who use drugs.Maybe they should just stop for their health, but many of them do not feel they have the strength or will power to do so and shaming them is not going to help them feel comfortable getting help. How many prescription pills do you take?
4. Out of breath during shows
Maybe from lack of exercising when not touring, but not because of weight. Maybe he or she has asthma?, If it was weight related then how can heavier football players run constantly without any problem.It is because he or she does not EXERCISE. His or her weight is NOT the problem. Maybe from lack of vocal exercises as well. When a celebrity is performing better he or she probably is exercises his or her vocals and his or her body more (not talking about weight, AT ALL) Even Mary J Blidge said she had to exercise cause she would get winded, even the boys from One Direction were told they had to before touring. It has NOTHING to do with weight, but physical health. Maybe they need singing/breathing lessons?
If it was weight, what about opera singers, and other overweight singers? What about athletes who have to run miles all day and are in great physical shape. For example,Jared Lorenzen is 300 pounds and has played with Eli Manning. Their weight is fine, at the most they just needs MORE vocal exercising and maybe exercise more (not saying they need to lose weight) Maybe drink more tea after shows or learn how to sing from the diagram better. They probably sing holding their breath, simple as just teaching themselves to breathe better when singing. It probably was the drugs too, but they can fix the strain on their throat. Adele, Ruban Studdard, Mamma Cass, Jennifer Hudson(when she was bigger), etc are all bigger and they can BELT it.and look at the numerous SKINNY singers who become out of breathe during a show.:)
5. Change in style
Have you never changed your hairstyle as long as you have been alive? Maybe parted it a different way or maybe you colored it. Ever look back and think, “oh gosh, what was I thinking?”It is very ridiculous for anyone to stop being a fan of a celebrity simply because of his or her hair, makeup style or clothing choice (or, disaster) Yes, some of our favorite celebs have days where they had, or will have horrific styles. Perhaps they got dressed in the dark, or sneezed when they got their hair styled;however, who is anyone to completely banish someone they looked up to just because of a bad fashion choice. Cringe worthy moment, yes. a moment,to decide whether or not a celebrity’s worth, no. It is okay to admit a celebrity looks awful, but to completely stop liking them all together is very extreme. Stop being extreme and just acknowledge the fact celebs can have a fashion faux pax as well.
6. Mental State
Are you mentally perfect? Have you ever cried, was fearful of abandonment? Ever been disappointed to the point of anger about something not important (job, money)
7. Dating life
Who really cares about who a celebrity is dating? We are hesitant about sharing facts about our own person life so why are we so needy about knowing a celebrity's personal life. Why do people completely stop enjoying a celebrities talent based on who he or she is dating or has dated. It is silly to stop liking and enjoying talented celebrities just because you don't approve of who he or she is dating. How stupid is it, especially if the celebrity's partner is "ugly." So, their girlfriend or boyfriend is ugly to you;therefore, you are not a fan anymore. In other countries such as Japan, almost nothing personal is known about numerous celebrities there. In many cases, not even their last name. Knowing what we know, about how vicious and intrusive people can be, Japan and other countries have the correct idea. Celebrities entertain, their personal life should be off limits. Who is anyone to say who a celebrity can or can not date. How possessive is someone who stop liking a celebrity because they do not approve of their dating life.A person should just admit they think justin bieber's new girlfriend is pretty and they know it, hence all the mean and rude comments. It is human nature to try to convince oneself another person is not THAT pretty or THAT Talented, but it is just admitting (in a possessive-aggressive way) they are jealous. At least people who admit they are jealous can be honest about it; therefore, it makes a person look like a liar, rude, mean, gossipy, judgmental,cynical and jealous. Just admit the boy or girl is pretty or talented and move on.
8.Bad Days
We all have bad days, celebrities are not any different from us as people. We all have days where we want to be left alone, and people bother us. Sometimes celebrities want to go out to eat without being bothered and tons of people disturb them. Some people are polite and just ask for an autograph but some people are obnoxious and rude;expecting an autograph. How narcissistic are people to think celebrities OWE us whatever we want. I'm sure they would love to hear about how you respect them, but they don't OWE us anything. They entertain us, and yes we "made them who they are" but they are not our puppets nor do they "work" for us. They make us laugh, cry, scared, feel better when a partner breaks up with us, helps us through hard time, but they are not ours to control.
Why would anyone think their unnecessary opinion is wanted anyway? It's rude and just makes you look stupid. The more a person talks bad about someone else only displays what kind of jealous person you are.