The process of loving ourselves is, for many of us, connected to releasing ourselves from self-hate and the idea of ‘just loving yourself’ has me feeling like I’ll fail before I even begin! In my work I consciously use the word self-compassion instead as I feel like that word makes so much more room for the ebb and flow that is so naturally going to be a part of that journey!
In terms of taking a first step, I feel like ‘courting ourselves’ is a pretty powerful way to look at it. Just like if we were connect with a new friend or potential love interest, what are the ways we can begin to build a loving relationship with ourselves? We might go out for coffee & connect with ourselves through journalling or go out for a photo walk with our cameras and seek out moments of seeing ourselves in a new way through it.
We don’t always just love other people right away either. It is something we build towards and there is ebb and flow to it so I like to think of it that way. Why not even just cultivate ‘liking’ ourselves more first? There is really is no right or wrong way to do it, but starting with finding ways to spend nourishing time alone can be a powerful first step towards cultivating a stronger relationship to ourselves that indeed can lead to healing and to cultivating more self-love "
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