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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Check out Heather Nicholds's cooking class

"I know, because it took me years to figure out first how to make healthy meals, and then to make them taste good, and even longer to figure out how to do that easily on a daily basis without spending all of my precious free time in the kitchen.

I've been sharing my recipes and tips on my site and YouTube for over 3 years, and now what I want to do is take you behind the scenes and into my kitchen.

I want to give you a closer look, a better understanding of how to cook and a deeper education of what makes a healthy vegan meal - and how to make it fun and tasty.....

I've tried out so many recipes, discovering what works and what doesn't. I've taken cooking classes, to uncover the process behind cooking techniques. I've become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, to understand how to get a nutrionally-balanced vegan diet.

I've experimented with and merged these fields - which are usually thought of as two separate worlds - together to bring you the best tips, tricks and techniques to make simple, healthy, tasty vegan meals.

This is your opportunity to become a confident cook, able to make healthy and tasty vegan meals every day of the week that you and your family love eating - and avoid kitchen disasters, disappointments and embarrassments."

 Check out Heather Nicholds's cooking class