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Monday, November 24, 2014

What is Rapadura?

Note: Your best bet is Sucrat and Rapadura out of what is listed in the chart below. In my opinion, it seems Sugari s the Raw isn't  necessarliy healthy for you, but is just trying to capitalize on the "natural sugar trend."
Rapadura (4) 350 px
"What is rapadura?

Rapadura is an organic, unrefined sugar with a delicious, caramel flavor and a grainy texture. It is not crystallized, like processed sugars. And unlike white sugar, which is void of any vitamins or minerals, rapadura is actually high in nutrients. It’s very easy to bake with, too.
rapadura compared with sugar

Rapadura is harvested from sustainable family farms in Brazil through the Hand in Hand, fair trade program.

How do you use it?

Just substitute 1 cup of rapadura for 1 cup of sugar in all your family’s favorite recipes. We use rapadura for everything, but with one exception. It really doesn’t look very good in foods that you expect to be white, like lemon meringue pie or sugar cookies. It may give these light foods an overly molassesy flavor too. But in chocolate, apple pies, cakes, coffee, and most other treats, it’s oh-so-delicious."
See the entire article @ Bulk Natural Foods

More Info..

  1. Rapadura Sugar and Its Health Benefits 
  2. Rapadura? Panela? Sucanat? Muscavado? Turbinado? Organic Raw Sugar?