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Friday, November 21, 2014

Take the Let's Feast Class

"Do you know why you can’t cook?
"I don't know what to make."
“I’m too tired when I get home after work.”
"I don't have the time."
“I don’t like going to the grocery store.”
We’ve all seen these excuses for not cooking.
So we eat out. We order in. We count on others to feed us.
We KNOW that cooking is important and good for us, but we just “can’t” do it.
At the same time, you probably have that friend who CAN cook. Not only do they cook all the time, but they’re damn good at it! They step into the kitchen and transform into a culinary Bruce Lee before your eyes.

Why can they cook, but you can’t?
What are you missing?
What makes someone a good cook?
That question has become our obsession.
Back in 2012, we made it our personal mission to figure it out and for the next 18 months, we spent thousands of hours studying cooking and the psychology of building new habits, conducted dozens of experiments online and offline, and interviewed hundreds of people including professional chefs and amazing home cooks.
What we learned will surprise you. Keep reading and we’ll explain.
Turns out all of the things we THINK are stopping us from cooking have very little to do with the real problem."
Take The Let's Feast Class

More Info...

  1. Let's Feast Class folder @ Mediafire