"If you thought the bestselling “Go The F***k To Sleep” wasn’t appropriate for children – you haven’t seen anything yet! Combining real Bible verses with whimsical illustrations, “Awkward Moments (Not Found In Your Average) Children’s Bible” offers much more than an irreverent gag gift for the coffee table. “The goal of the project,” says author Horus Gilgamesh, “is to challenge readers from all walks of life to gain a better understanding of the content of the Bible and its context in modern day culture. The fact that our fans report shooting milk out their noses from laughter is just an added bonus.”
its very first day of online sales, Awkward Moments’ loyal fans pushed the book to become the #1 Bestseller on Amazon.com’s Humor & Religion category (a week before the book was set to officially release on October 31, 2013.)

What started as a private online joke took a quick turn to self-publishing in order to meet the demands of the 14,000+ fans who follow the Awkward Moments Children’s Bible page on Facebook. “It isn’t because of anything we did to reach #1 on our first day,” said Gilgamesh. “It is all because of our amazing fans – they’ve been begging for a book!”
Awkward Moments doesn’t pull any punches as the book explores some of the most confusing and at times gruesome stories from the Bible. The 80 page book begins with an insightful foreword from author David G. McAfee. Then the real fun begins with thirty-two whimsical full spread illustrations painted by the accomplished artist, Agnes Tickheathen. Starting with the Old Testament’s depictions of foreskins, genetics research, rape, and unicorns, the book moves on to the New Testament to uncover little known history of the Bible’s roots while asking many important questions about Jesus Christ. "
See Awkward Moments in the Bible