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Monday, November 24, 2014

9 Facts That Shatter Bullsh*t Stereotypes About Fat People

Skinny people have our problems as well, "Are you anorexic," "You need to eat more." etc.,etc.
We are all in THIS together. Together we can shutthese bullies/body policers up by educating them with facts.

"At the bottom of nearly every article celebrating body diversity, you will likely find some version of the following comments:

“Aren’t you promoting an unhealthy lifestyle?”

“I’m all about confidence, but this is just unhealthy.”

“I just don’t find fat people attractive, that doesn’t make me a bad person.”

“I have no sympathy for these people, they bring it on themselves.”

“Think of the children!”

This is called concern trolling, and it needs to stop. The intersectional issues of size, health and weight loss are far more complicated than we’ve been led to believe, and this lack of understanding has led to weight-based discrimination becoming a serious problem across the world.

Widespread anti-fat prejudice typically stems from misconceptions about health, weight, and body positivity, and negatively affects millions of people every day.

People are allowed to make their own decisions regarding their own bodies, but we need to start treating people of all sizes with respect. We can start by providing some actual information about being fat."

1. BMI is BS.
2.. Fat people don’t all have poor eating and exercise habits.
3. Fat itself isn’t unhealthy.
4. Being fat doesn’t signify a lack of willpower.
5. Size discrimination is real.
6. Fat shaming isn’t helpful.
7. Fat people are not desperate for dates.
8. Not everyone wants to be skinny.
9. The word “fat” is not an insult.
See the entire article with explainations @ Everyday Feminism