"Many people perceive vegetable oils as healthy.Maybe it’s because they have the word “vegetable” in them.I mean… vegetables are good for you, right? So vegetable oil must be too…
Even the mainstream nutrition organizations recommend that we eat them, because according to them, unsaturated fats are much healthier than saturated fats.
However, many studies have now demonstrated that these oils can cause serious harm (1).
The composition of the fatty acids in them is different than anything we were ever exposed to throughout evolution.This is leading to physiological changes within our bodies and contributing to multiple diseases.
Here are 6 reasons why vegetable oils are downright toxic....
1. Vegetable Oils are Very “Unnatural” in Large Amounts2. Vegetable Oils Mess up The Fatty Acid Composition of The Body’s Cells
3. Vegetable Oils Contribute to Inflammation
4. Vegetable Oils Are Loaded With Trans Fats
5. Vegetable Oils Can Dramatically Raise Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
6. Vegetable Oil Consumption is Associated With Various Other Diseases
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